Monday, September 10, 2012

Appearences Aren't Everything (In-complete)

(My posts are in regular font. My partners are in italics. This is a Female on Female story. My character Devon is Genderfluid.)

Devon yawned, scratching her head. It was the first day of her last year. She didn't think that this was so close. The other years had passed in a blur. It hadn't been all that long ago that she was living with her parents still either. Only about a year and a half ago. Just after she'd turned sixteen. She'd told her parents about her being pansexual. They were fine with that. That wasn't the part that bugged them. It was after she spilled out the news that she was genderfluid.

That was the straw that broke the camels back as they say. They couldn't figure it out. They kept going on about how she was a girl. That's what came out of her mothers vag. Even now Dev had to roll her eyes. People just don't get anything that isn't their brand of normal.

Devon climbed out of her bed and headed to the bathroom. It didn't take long for her to freshen up and give herself a faux hawk. She grinned looking at herself in the mirror. A pair of slightly tighter fitting jeans with her packer, since she was feeling more masculine today, her linkin park tee-shirt with her sports bra on under, just to keep her chest flat, and her DC's. She was looking good.

Devon headed out of her small apartment and to her bright blue '95 mustang. Thankfully it didn't take too long to get to the school. She was only about six miles away from the school. Just as she slowed into her spot her friend Travis bounced up onto her hood acting like she'd hit him. "Ahhh! You got me Dev! I'm dying! Call the Nurse." He said as he rolled off her hood. She rolled her eyes. "Wow dude really?" She asked as she cut the engine.

Alexandra walked along as she saw the chaos of the school's parking lot. Kids dealing, others talking, a couple of goofballs with one pretending to have just been hit by a car. She wished she was in school earlier. just leaved ten minutes earlier to be there ten minutes earlier and avoid the chaos. It was curios as to why she stayed home so long, it wasn't like her home life was nice, usually her mother and father yelling at each other one of them drunk at any given time. Her older brother had left a couple years ago. First planning to take her up as a legal safe guardian but a job called moving him away even further. The offer was still there but something held her back even if she would lose nothing due to he lack of friends.

Still avoiding the busing system she preferred to walk to school, though many times the walk was not fun and today looked like it would be unfun to walk home in, with the rain clouds overhead threatening to burst at any minute and cause a massive downpour, one she had a feeling she would end up stuck in. At least it was only going to be for the walk home, then she would arrive at home, shower to warm up and spend the rest of her night locked up in her room reading and listening to music.

As if on cue once she had reached the door a few drops began to fall and a irritated sigh escape her lips. Maybe she would be lucky and avoid the storm, letting it wear itself out during the day. Regardless she headed to her homeroom letting other kids enter the school. She wore a thick hoodie, given to her by her brother. it was special, she often wore it, except for when it was too warm out. The fall was always cool so she wore it pretty much every day. To her, it was a security blanket, but one she refused to get rid of as it was the last thing she had of her brother, aside form memories, and wearing it always made her feel like his arms were wrapped around her.

Hearing the bell ring she lowered her hood and headphones turning them off. Her teachers were okay with her headphone resting around her neck so long as they were shut off. Along with that they also had grown accustomed to her not completing any homework given. It wasn't truly due to being stupid, just sometimes she didn't get it, and asking her parents for help was never something she truly wished to do. In fact most of the time she was invisible to them. However most of the time she felt she was invisible to everyone.

Devon rolled up her windows and got out of her Mercedes. As she did Travis peaked up over the hood like a spy from a video game. Devon shook her head, bringing her hand up to cover her eyes. "You're kidding right?" She asked not bothering to look at him again. He smirked, his lip piercing glinting some in the pale light. Just as she was about to head up to the building a few raindrops hit her. "Glad I rolled up my windows."

Travis got up with a straight face and nodded. "Looks like it's going to be another rainy one." He said softly then grinned again elbowing her in the side. "But this means no Phys Ed for today." He said giddily and started slow jogging. Almost like running in place but instead he was just barely moving enough to keep pace with her.

Devon raised a brow and smacked the back of his head. "Dude really? Chill the fuck out. Are you on something? Do I need to check your eyes?" She asked pulling him to her and trying to get his face down to her. He was roughly six feet talk and she stood at a not so impressive height of five and four inches. He pushed her away playfully. "I'm good Dev. I'm just excited. My summer has been pretty dull. Had to go to Idaho." He said making a face. She nodded and stopped.

"Suck Bro. I'll catch ya later though." Devon said as she walked into the art room. "Morning Mrs. Cooper." She said with a grin. "Want to see my latest work?" She asked.

A slightly grey haired woman with rectangular glasses looked over from her desk. She was in a smock and you could tell that she used to be a blonde. Her face looked like it was much too young to belong to someone with hair that was greying. "Hello there Devon. It's good to see you. I'd love to see it." She said with a smile. "I'm happy you decided to be my aid this year. There's supposed to be alot of first time art students in this class. They could use your expertise." She said with a grin as Devon extended her arm, proudly displaying a rose with a banner across it. On the banner it read 'Just love, No lies'.

As Alex suffered through homeroom she sighed. Morning announcement and idiots everywhere. Art was next. Alex had no Idea why she took art. She hated painting, she wasn't that good with her hands so sculpting was out of the question, and then there was drawing which she was lucky to get a decent stick figure. However it was either that, Drama, Dance or music. And when it came to music. she tried the ear before and by the end she was unable to avoid a flat note. The music professor had given up on her. He knew she tried staying after school for more lessons but he could not help her enough. She still passed since he knew she tired, but strongly suggest she took a different art the next year. So here she was. Avoiding preforming for others.

As she entered the Art room after homeroom the first thing she noticed was the goofball guy form the parking lot. Him and his friend goofing around jumping over the Mercedes. It looked nice. Personally Alex was more for the Camaro if she chose one. She wouldn't geek out over it but she preferred the sleeker look.

Still this boy was a dork, cute, but a dork, and she knew she shouldn't really be one to talk but he was, in her opinion. Both him and his buddy were dorks though. What bugged her more was she knew Mrs. Cooper would pair Alex and Devon up due to Alex's skill level.

Devon smiled some as Mrs. Cooper looked over her arm. She was probably one of the closest friends that she had even if she was a teacher. "I really like the design on this Devon." The older woman said with a grin.

"I'm really happy with how it turned out too. I got alittle worried when the tattoo artist started to add the color." She admitted. "I was starting to wonder if it would stay. But it looks good. I've had it for a month now." She said with a grin then noticed Mrs. Cooper look up. A girl with pink hair walked in and Devon smiled. "Hey there. Welcome to Art one oh one." She said with a smirk.

Mrs. Cooper rolled her eyes. "Or as it should say on your schedule painting and drawing one." She said and walked over extending a hand. No one else was in the class yet. "I'm Mrs. Cooper." She said shaking Alex's hand and taking a look at her schedule. "And that is my aide for this period. Devon McGreggor. He's a bit of a pain but will help out if you need it." She said. Devon gave a nervous laugh and waved. Her teachers had gotten used to using either pronoun when it came to her. Her freshman year she used to correct them on her 'male' days when ever they called her a her.

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